Antonio Bechtle
About Antonio
Antonio Bechtle is a founding partner and creative director at Bechtle & Miltzarajs. He was formerly Creative Director at The Milk Lithuania and a multi award winner in literature and advertising. He has been ranked #3 copywriter worldwide by Lurzer's Archive International.
About the Copywriting Course
The Copywriting Course is a part of the Advertising Creativity Programme that also includes Art Direction and Creativity. Key sessions in the Copywriting class include:
Storytelling 1: about inspiration, Storytelling 2: the shapes of stories, Tips for becoming a better writer, Creating characters, Economy of language, From writing to copywriting, Relevance, relevance, relevance, About TV scripts, Nailing copy-based ads
Course Fee: $500
We recommend that Copywriting, Art Direction and Creativity are taken at the same time. To encourage this, there's a reduced fee of $1000 for the 3 courses instead of $1500.